Giant's Harp Gateway contains links to several pdf files


Walking Tours runnin round the country with a digital camera shooting anything that moves or doesn't

Handwritten Lyrics Collection what it says

Orfeo File correspondance with Terence McKenna

Duino Elegies my translations of Rilke

Sonnets to Orpheus - only rhymed translation of Rilke's sonnets

Old Archives early forays into web art most links inactive

Mailbags stuff from days the archive was active

GATORFUL! funny drawings with an edge

Flight of the Marie Helena words for a forgotten musical oddessy

Song Lyrics see giant's harp gateway for pdf
Sentinel ditto
NightCadre my first book, out of print

A Cupful of Rain
Raggedy Remus weird old narrative poem
Visions of the Dead  seeds of a movie script
BlindMelon I interview them for Creem, shortly before Shannon's death
rest your eyes sheer idiocy

A Strange Music 300k html file journal of Gulf War/Giant's harp has pdf
will somebody please read this thing? It was a lot of work!

other peoples kids:
Northwest to Alaska Peter S.Olsen's autobiography. 
Portia Pig (kids story by Patricia Platt)
Christmas Without Bill Sandy Rothman's memoir of Bill Monroe
Halo  Brad Riesau eulogizes Allen Ginsberg
Bob Shelli's Soundcheck Pix (300k)
detail of Hubble photo of the universe this picture without the typing
Mirror Show Screenplay by George Hamilton (pdf only)

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